Monday, November 14, 2011

Why I have an eye twitch and other things I’ve learned


Life always manages to surprise me a little.  I had sort of written off this little blog and now suddenly I find myself with posts running through my head.  When that happens I always find that those posts will take over my thoughts…unless I write them down. 

As I said in my last post I was on a new journey…the one to discover the real me.  I wanted to share with you what I’ve discovered so far. 

  • I love to write.  However I’m most comfortable when I have an editor- because while I love to write, it was not my college major. That’s why I’ve spent so much time focusing on writing for this magazine instead of for this blog.  My editor always catches my written gaffs.
  • I also love to organize and I love to live in an organized space.  However I am not willing to identify myself as one who is always organized because I’m not. Plus being a person who is always organized doesn’t sound very fun.    I’d rather my dining room chairs be used as forts than insisting that they be sitting empty at the table. 
  • I have time management issues.  If I write down (IN PEN) all the things I need to get done in a day I am more likely to do them.  Otherwise I may spend my entire day on pinterest or playing Angry Birds.  Neither one of those things is very productive. 
  • I still haven’t determined if I’m an introvert or an extrovert.  I love to meet new people, but big groups scare me to death.  
  • I have a better daily attitude when I start the day with God.  Otherwise I have a tendency towards negativity and pessimism.  Two traits I’m not very fond of.
  • I’m a fair weather athlete.  I love to train for races in the spring and the summer.  As soon as the leaves start to fall I’d prefer to stay up late and sleep in a little longer. 
  • I am a stubborn person.  Despite my preference to sleep longer when it’s cold I make myself get up three or four days a week to train.  Unfortunately that means I get less sleep.  
  • I get an eye twitch when I don’t get enough sleep. 

Well that’s all for now.  I have a new friend to introduce to you soon…so stay tuned!