About the Blog

Au-then-tic-i-ty: true to one's own personality, spirit, or character
Being a mom is hard work. It’s not helping that as moms we are incredibly hard on ourselves. I daresay that if we were our own bosses, our performance reviews would be abysmal.

Moms commiserate on weight issues, child behavior issues, housework, stress, the crazy overachieving mom next door, or the lazy mom who never does anything with her kids. None of us are living up to the super mom expectation, yet for some reason we continue to hold it up as an example of who we want to be. We are overly critical of ourselves and each other. And we are making ourselves crazy and tired and just plain unexciting.

But what if we shared what inspires us, what makes us better?  What if we could be real and honest about our struggles without whining?  This blog is meant to share the stories of inspiring mothers, real women who have let go of the supermom ideal and are okay just being themselves.  They have inspired me to become a better mother.  I hope they inspire you.