This past Christmas I received an espresso maker. I can make my own mochas, espressos, and much to my childrens delight, steamed chocolate milk. I've discovered in the weeks since owning this small little appliance that making a mocha is an art. It takes time and because of that, I no longer down my drink as I'm walking out the door. I don't take it in a travel mug while I drive my kids to school. Nope,, I sit down and savor my mocha. I take the time to enjoy it. It seems silly to spend so much time making my drink just to waste it on the go.
Not coincidentally I'm also currently reading a book called Breathe:Making Space for God in a Hectic Life. It's a fabulous book and well worth the read. Thanks to the book and my newly discovered enjoyment of coffee time, I'm encouraged to take that same space in other areas of my life. I'm in no rush to push my kids to grow up. I'm enjoying my time with them (most of the time). I wish I could remember this more. I wish that I could ignore the to dos on my list more often and do the things that make life more enjoyable. It is a constant battle...the one between my to do list and the list of what I ought to be doing. They're different, you know. My to do list is composed of things that type A people think need to be done. Laundry, cleaning, telephone calls and the like. My ought to do list is composed of park visits, nerf gun games and dancing with my kids. I can't say I'd rather be doing the ought to do list. I am a type A personality. However, I do enjoy my children. Maybe a type A can change. Or maybe I just need to add "dance with my kids" to my to do list. Whatever the case may be, the battle wages on.
The joyful part of this post? I discovered today that I can download "Last Train to Awesome Town" from iTunes! Let the dancing begin!
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