Sunday, December 26, 2010


Are your kids hyper? Mine are hyper and they are driving me crazy.

I don’t know if it’s the extraordinary amount of sugar that they’ve ingested or the excitement from opening box after box of new stuff. It could be the unusual amount of time we’ve spent at home, inside due to coughs and colds. Perhaps it’s the additional sleep they’ve been getting…or maybe it’s due to lack of rest I’m not entirely sure. Whatever the case may be I’m not sure I’m going to be able to make it through tomorrow, while my husband is away at work.

I swear my youngest ran around in circles today for two minutes straight. At dinner he tried to eat his mashed potatoes without using his hands.

Then again maybe it’s me. Maybe I’ve ingested too much sugar. I have been pretty excited about the cool gifts I got this Christmas. Plus we haven’t gone outside as much as I’d like. Maybe I’m overly tired, or overly rested. Normally this stuff doesn’t get to me like it did today. But today my brain hurt. It’s a good thing DH was here…we were both going a little crazy. So we took turns dealing with the drama and the craziness.

I know that tomorrow is a new day. Maybe we’ll go outside; hit the park or an indoor pool. I’ll wear them out somehow. Because I can’t go on for another 8 days like today. I may have to be peeled up off the floor.

What do you do when your kids are hyper? Are there any special activities that wear them out?

Is it you or is it your kids that are the problem?

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