Saturday, December 18, 2010

Letting Go

I am not the fun parent in my house. It’s not that I’m not a fun person (I think).  I just happen to be a task orientated person.  So normally getting the task accomplished is the main priority. It works great most of the time, because my husband is a pretty fun guy and he’s great with the kids.  They all have a good time, and I make sure everything gets done.  

However it also means I’m less fun.  

So my kids don’t always consider baking to be the most fun activity in our home.  Most of the time they’d rather go off and play than bake with me.  Really who could blame them?  I barely let them touch the measuring spoons, lest they spill the sugar!  I normally find that baking with them is much slower, messier and all around more stressful for me. I’m so worried about the end result that I forget the reason I’m baking with them in the first place.

HOWEVER, we are in that magical Christmas season, and baking and decorating cookies with my kids is a must.  So this year, with much effort I LET.GO.

I let go of making sure the ingredients were measured just right.  I let go of the sugar that got spill on the floor.  I even let go of making sure the dough got rolled out properly…most of the time.  Most importantly I let go of what the end result would be. 

You see my idea of a well decorated cookie looks something like this…


But in my kids eyes the point of decorating a cookie is simply to see just how much candy can be loaded on the candy vehicle.  So my kids idea of a well decorated cookie looks something like this…


or this…


or even this…


And truthfully it was worth it.  Because even though I will not eat most of what we made today, my kids had a great time and so did I. 

So what do you have trouble letting go of?  Who is the fun person at your house? 

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